Contribution Sprint
Posted on September 6th, 2017 by Willy Karam
This week we hosted our first contribution sprint, where the Phoenix core team and community members collaborated in a day-long effort aimed at completing updates to the Guides to support Phoenix 1.3 and working through the issue queue.
30+ Issues Resolved
The sprint was a success overall as we resolved over 30 issues that achieved several goals, including moving the Phoenix Guides into the core repository and migrating certain of the Guides to blog posts on the Phoenix Site. We also anticipate being able to close a few more issues in the days ahead, resulting in the Phoenix Guides issue queue only having 2-3 remaining open issues.
Thanks to Sprinters
Special thanks to Phoenix core team members who lead the sprint, Gary (@Gazler) & Jason (@jeregrine), and the community members who volunteered their efforts for the day, including: @bryanstearns, @gabiz, @lsiqueira, @mcelaney, @mitchellhenke, and @willykaram. Thanks to all those community members who contributed to the guides prior to the sprint, especially Wendy Smoak(@wsmoak) and Lance Halvorsen (@lancehalvorsen).
Thanks to Sprint Sponsors!
We’d like to thank Jim Freeze and ElixirConf for their support, including sprint facilities and tickets for the sprint leads. Last but not least, we’d like to thank the the organizations that that became sponsors to help fund the sprint and cover the travel costs of Phoenix core team members who joined for the sprint: Apps Team, the Erlang Foundation, Erlang Solutions,, plataformatec, RokkinCat, and simplabs.
Next Steps
It was also great to onboard several new contributors to the Phoenix project. Hopefully we can host more contribution sprints at other upcoming regional conferences or local events, and we look forward to ideall welcoming more new contributors there too. We still have more work to do, including improving contribution guidelines and creating suggested guidance for community generated guides – so we’ll see you in the issue queue!
Thanks to everyone we helped us create improved guides to ensure immediate productivity for new developers using Phoenix as a web-interface for their greater Elixir applications!